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Panther XC - Hall of Fame

Isaac Stinchfield

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Years: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012

In his first XC race as a freshman, Isaac Stinchfield’s performance was barely under 20:00 on a fast course, well hidden in the latter part of the middle of the pack. He was the 10th of 14 freshmen running in that varsity race – which did not turn any heads or incite anyone to predict he would materialize into an all-state runner. His first season’s progress was adequate as he managed a 16th place finish of 36 in the League meet, running 18:28.

As a “good” runner in his class, he was highly overshadowed his first two years by extremely talented and accomplished “class record holder” Sean Eustis. Isaac was motivated every day with the desire, and almost the obligation, to “become as good as” Sean. As a sophomore, he improved significantly with some 85 second advancement, nearly breaking 17 minutes. Yet he was still nearly a minute behind his “more heralded” classmate. With an incredible desire to “catch up”, he was driven to wake up well before daybreak to get his morning miles in during the school year.

His junior year was the payoff year. He improved another substantial 73 seconds, pushing him well under 16 minutes which demanded the respect of other runners all over the state.

As Isaac and Sean pursued their running endeavors together, they stacked up many high mileage training weeks together in the off season. This duo became one of the most accomplished pair of runners in Washington 2A history. Since Isaac played second fiddle to Sean almost every race, he owns the distinction as the fastest runner ever in our District, quite possibly in 2A state, to never win a League Dual meet. He did win one XC race when Sean was not quite full strength. However, it was not just a League Dual meet – it was a good sized 16 team invitational, the Saxon Invitational at South Salem with rather large schools attending. His Personal Record was established that day at 15:49; with Sean in third place just 11 seconds behind him, it was the first time in decades, if not ever, that two runners on the same team broke 16 on the same day in that long running race. Isaac topped off his senior year at 2A state meet with another 15:49, his placing was just ninth as the race was filled with the Super-Talented Class of 2013. His time that year would have placed him in the top 3 in a high majority of the 2A state meets in the previous 20+ years.

The coaching staff’s biggest concern regarding Isaac had to be protecting him from his own reckless antics. He was caught one time jumping off the top of the restrooms at Cottonwood beach while he was already nursing a sprained ankle. That one race that Isaac won in XC transpired the day after a skateboard accident, such that he accepted his award with a significantly bandaged arm.

However, Isaac effectively directed this attribute of fearlessness into an invaluable catalyst propelling him to serious accomplishments; this mindset was instrumental in his success as a steeplechaser. He competed once in a 2K version of this somewhat rare event his junior year. His time of 6:18.74a ranked 13th in the country for, out of 603 High Schoolers that posted marks. While at Clark College in 2016, Isaac earned All-American honors in the 3K Steeplechase event.

Isaac’s incredible progression as a Panther Distance Runner inspired the “Transformo Ultimatim” award and the “Change Your Life” T-Shirt.

Best Memory


Words of Advice

Take responsibility for your actions and attitudes (in and out of practice) that affect your performance; quit trying to blame others or the circumstances and just change your attitude and perspective.

It is hard to change some things, easy to change others, but they are all worth it. It all begins in the mind.

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Sloppy, slow course




Sloppy, slow course







Sloppy, slow course

















Best class of Talent ever in 2A