What Are You Made Of?

Full Castle

The castle to the left did not take years to build. Even though it is exciting to look at, it will not last. It took a few hours to build, but it will be wiped out with the next wave or rain storm that hits it. The material used to build it and support it are easy to manipulate because it is soft, but that also lends to not lasting long. Hand Built

Look at the next photo. No, it is not a Castle - it is a road. Notice the patch of cracking in the lower right. These types of cracks are called "Alligator Cracks". Well, why are the major cracks only in that area? Why doesn't it have cracks that bad a little further down the road? The asphalt all came from the same truck. It is subjected to the same stress when cars/trucks drive over it. It should be just as good at the other asphalt! In this case, it is not a problem with the asphalt as much as it is what it is standing on. Hand Built

So our second question deals with FOUNDATIONS and MATERIALS. Cracks in the asphalt of this type appear because the ground is soft underneath it. When constructing roads, it is important to dig out soft spots, dry out the soil and compact it solid before placing the asphalt on it. If you don't, it will crumble away.

When it comes to Skyscrapers, the taller the building, the deeper you must dig. Depending on the soil, it can be several hundred feet or more. Usually, the goal is to find bedrock and start building on solid ground.

So how does this pertain to our training? Back to the alligator cracks on the road, a quality workout will "make you" if you have the right foundation, or it will "break you" if you don't. The stronger your foundation (off season volume of miles, core strength), the more quality workouts you can handle and benefit from without breaking. Foundation

What about beyond your training? What about who you are deep down in side? What are you truly made of? To become a great runner, you will probably need to become a great person first. Are you honest with your self? Do you make sure you do the right things (on and off the race course)? Are you looking for the easy way out? Since becoming a great runner requires battling who you are and how to make you what you want to be, honesty, discipline and integrity are the foundation/bedrock you need to stand on and the materials you need to be made of. And this is true for all castles you dream of building!