"Find Your Way Home


Sometimes in life, we get thrown off track, feel abandon and don’t know where in the world we are, how we got there and not sure how to find our way home. This can happen in our occupation, social life or athletic endeavors. Regardless of what environment, somehow we need to figure out how to get back on track. Many times, it may take a very long time and a lot of enduring effort. Here is a story of a dog that made a historic journey to get back home: : Bobbie

(This will be on the Mysteries at the Museum show on Sunday Oct 28th at 7 am.)

Sometimes heroes have cool names. Sometimes they just have ordinary names but extraordinary personalities. Bobbie doesn’t sound like a name of a hero, but imaging traveling 2800 miles – in winter. No shoes so your feet turned to Raw meat. This is starting to sound a little bit about John Colter, right. It takes 6 months and a ton of decisions to get back home.

Not only did Bobbie experience the exhilaration of being reunited with his family and being home again, but he became a famous movie star: His Own Movie (Watch this one on your own time.) Upon his death in 1927, Bobbie was buried with honors at the Oregon Humane Society. Portland Mayor George Baker gave the eulogy. Rin Tin Tin, a German shepherd who was a Hollywood film star, later laid a wreath at his grave.

Sometimes these derailments in life are long and enduring; sometimes they are “fast and furious,” and in this case “fast and ‘fur’-ious”: Snow Bunny

In this case it hits very hard and very fast. No time for thinking, but only reacting. But just like Bobbie, you have to keep your feet moving!

Initially there was to be a movie about Bobbie released this year...

Here is the bottom line - Regardless if your situation is a long term disorientation/abandonment or a short term avalanche, you have to keep your feet moving to survive and find your way home!