Rock is a Noun
In lesson #1, we found out what we get to do to others: Rock Them. In lesson #2, we look at what we need to become. Inside that favorite movie, the word "Rock" is used in one of the motivational speeches for promoting the hero of the show. Here he describes Sir Ulrich as "The Rock! The Hard Place!" Notice that he is not described as something soft!
In our "Build Your Own Castle" series, we had one lesson titled What Are You Made Of?
Here we compared sand castles to real castles. We looked at how skyscrapers are built; they dig down to the bedrock to build on. I am sure many of you have heard the parable about building on sand vs. building on the rock, right? Can we also recall and relate this to one of our childhood stories we learned about huffing and puffing? No, not because we were in oxygen debt!!!
Those "Rock Hard Abs" actually do have benefit for runners. But don't stop with just the abs. Therefore, it is wise to build a strong body before taking it out on the roads and pound the pavement for 60-70 miles a week. We need to become "Rocks" before we can "Rock" the world. That is why we do our general strength and our Grand Circuit. Spend time doing so, lots of time, so you will be able to withstand the big bad wolves of future races, and the hurricanes of life.
Let's consider one of our favorite movie stars that came from pro wrestling. Dwayne Johnson. Most people did not know his real first name when he hit the silver screen, since they knew him as "The Rock." Notice that his ring name was not "Marshmallow Man" or "The Sponge."
The bricks are close enough to rocks when the straw and sticks relate to the sand. What are you going to build your athletic career and your life out of? Good strong muscles and principals that will be able to withstand 8.0 earthquakes and Cat 4 or 5 hurricanes? Oh young runners – listen to the words of wisdom from the wise! If you are going to build something, make sure you build it well!